The Triangle of Support Part 1: The Teacher

When a dancer starts their journey, they require a LOT of support. At CSHD, we love both talking about and embodying the Triangle of support. Each point of the triangle plays an important role in helping the dancer thrive. When all three points are working together, that’s When the magic happens! In this three-part series, …

Triangle of Support Part 2: The Parent

In our last post, we talked about what makes a great dance teacher and why the relationship between teacher and dancer is so important. If that relationship matters, the dancer-parent one is just as, if not more, crucial. Parents often wonder how they can help their dancers achieve their goals, whether it’s reaching championship level …

Why Should You Make Practice a Priority?

All dance teachers would probably agree that practice is important. Seems obvious, right? Yet, it might feel daunting, especially for dancers juggling classes and other commitments. So why do we emphasize practice so much, and how can dancers effectively incorporate it into their routines? While attending class, even twice a week ,is beneficial, it’s often …